Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rumbling Train of Thoughts

The engine spurred as the car sped into full speed.  Her conscience flickered, her driving marked rather dangerously.  The thoughts of accidents occasionally visited her; images of crashes and blood slowed her down.  She was more alert now than she could be.

A web of emotion wavered expressions of all kinds - happiness, sadness and anger.  She rambled pretty much about everything.  Then and again, she couldn't make sense the pride of the brood, heartless, claiming honesty without guilt.  Were their so-assuming claims acceptable in the context of man? 

What if, I refuse to educate the same way they refuse the right for education, exclaiming without real reason to support my claims.

What if, I exterminate their existences the same way they vanish into thin air to let me feel this excruciating pain.

What ifs, and the many cruel and heartless proclamation she was dying to meet.  Oh, my!  How could such innocence paved way for such sinful intentions that lead her to such vulnerability as this?  The assumptions continued to bewilder her.       


  1. Good one Belle. I'm back after a long walk in the backwoods of civilization.

  2. There aren't a lot of readers nor comments, so thanks for reading and then commenting. Well, welcome back!!
